
《不沉的航空母艦》/ An Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier
Single Channel Video Installation, Text|Dimensions Variable


In his statement regarding the Pacific Region in 1950, MacArthur described Taiwan as "an unsinkable aircraft carrier" on the Pacific Ocean.1 It referred to the notion that this island could be a military base, a fortress, a piece of moving territory on the sea. Taking a closer look at the historical experience of Taiwan, one would see that the imperial boundaries have never been fixed in a dichotomized and absolute way; instead, it has always been a polysemic and changing site of dynamics. However, who was commanding this aircraft carrier if Taiwan were one? How did the people living on this "aircraft carrier" view themselves and respond to the world within the imperial context? What angles can we adopt to observe the shifts in the geopolitical history on this territory?



Translation: Liang-rong Huang

Supported by International Studio & Curatorial Program

"An unsinkable aircraft carrier" refers to the Pacific islands and coral isles that were once important geographically strategic positions to fight against the Japanese Empire during the WWII. Malta and Iceland were also described with the same analogy during that period. During the Cold War, Taiwan, Japan, and the British Isles were all viewed as an unsinkable aircraft carrier by the US military.
